ProjectWise Explorer Help

Configuration Variables for Integrated MicroStation (MCM.USER.CFG)

The MCM.USER.CFG file in the ...\ProjectWise\bin folder contains configuration variables that affect the behavior of MicroStation when integrated with ProjectWise.

Note: The MCM.USER.CFG file was introduced in ProjectWise V8i (SELECTseries 4). This file contains the configuration variables that were formerly delivered in the MCM.CFG file. The MCM.CFG file is still delivered, however it now only contains system setup settings and should not be edited by the user. Both files are installed to the \ProjectWise\bin folder. No configuration is needed unless you want to change the default settings in the MCM.USER.CFG file. If this is the case, place a copy of the new MCM.USER.CFG file into your user profile and edit that copy as needed. MicroStation integration will load the delivered MCM.USER.CFG first, then it will load the copy of MCM.USER.CFG in your user profile, if one exists. Changes you make in your personal MCM.USER.CFG file will override the default settings in the delivered MCM.USER.CFG file. This will also make future upgrades easier, as the new installation will always deliver a fresh MCM.USER.CFG file, sometimes with new settings, without affecting the settings in your personal MCM.USER.CFG file.

If you need to change default settings, create the following local folder and place a copy of MCM.USER.CFG in it:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Bentley\ProjectWise\Configuration\

Administrators can create the following local folder and place a copy of MCM.USER.CFG in it, to be used by all users working on this computer:

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Bentley\ProjectWise\Configuration\

To enable a configuration variable in MCM.USER.CFG, uncomment the variable (delete the # character from in front of the variable) and then enter the required value after the = character. Commenting out a variable (placing the # character in front of the variable) also disables it.

Variable Description Values
_MCM_PROMPTFORWORKSPACE Enable this variable if you want to be prompted to change your workspace settings before integrated MicroStation opens. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, you will be prompted to change your workspace settings before integrated MicroStation opens.

If commented out, you will not be prompted to change your workspace settings before integrated MicroStation opens.

_MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE Use this variable to set how you want MicroStation to react when you open a file that has a different workspace than the active file. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default. Possible values for this variable can be 1, 2, or it can be left blank. Leaving the value blank is the same as commenting out the variable. The effect each value has depends on whether the workspace reload is managed or unmanaged.

It is considered to be a managed workspace reload if the document you are opening, or the active document, or both, has a managed workspace assigned. It is considered to be an unmanaged workspace reload if neither the document you are opening nor the active document has a managed workspace assigned, and one or both of those documents has a workspace profile assigned. A managed workspace reload is triggered if the two documents have different configuration settings blocks (CSB's) assigned, or if they have the same CSB's, but the variables in them resolve to different values. An unmanaged workspace reload is triggered if the two documents have different workspace roots, or if they have the same workspace root but some other workspace settings have changed.


Managed operations:

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is left blank — You are asked whether or not you want to restart MicroStation in order to load the workspace of the new document. If you click Yes, MicroStation restarts, opens the selected document, and loads the selected document’s workspace. If you click No, MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, but leaves the previous document’s workspace loaded.

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is set to a value of 1 or 2 — You are notified that MicroStation is going to restart in order to load the workspace of the new document. Click OK. Once MicroStation is restarted, the selected document opens and its workspace is loaded.


Unmanaged operations

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is unset or commented out, and the workspace root has changed — You are asked whether or not you want to restart MicroStation in order to load the workspace of the new document. If you click Yes, MicroStation restarts, opens the selected document, and loads the selected document’s workspace. If you click No, MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, but leaves the previous document’s workspace loaded.

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is unset or commented out, and the workspace root remains the same but other workspace settings have changed — You are asked whether or not you want MicroStation to load the workspace of the new document. If you click Yes, MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, and loads the selected document’s workspace. If you click No, MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, but leaves the previous document’s workspace loaded.

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is set to a value of 1 or 2, and the workspace root has changed — You are notified that MicroStation is going to restart in order to load the workspace of the new document. Click OK. Once MicroStation is restarted, the selected document opens and its workspace is loaded.

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is set to a value of 1, and the workspace root remains the same but other workspace settings have changed — You are notified that the new document’s workspace is going to be loaded. Click OK. In this case, MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, and loads the selected document’s workspace.

If _MCM_RELOAD_WORKSPACE is set to a value of 2, and the workspace root remains the same but other workspace settings have changed — MicroStation remains open, opens the selected document, and loads the workspace of the new document without prompting the user in any way.

_MCM_WORKSPACE_LOCK Enable this variable if you do not want integrated MicroStation (V8i or later) to load the workspace associated to the selected document. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, integrated MicroStation (V8i or later) will not load the workspace associated to the selected document.

If commented out, integrated MicroStation (V8i or later) will load the workspace associated to the selected document.

PW_MWP_COMPARISON_IGNORE_LIST Use this variable to specify which additional variables to ignore when comparing the workspace of the active file to the managed workspace of the document you are opening. This variable is enabled by default, with the following values appended: PW_MWP_COMPARISON_IGNORE_LIST;_DGNDIR;_DGNFILE

Add additional variables (separated by ;) to this list as necessary.

MS_FILEHISTORY Use this variable to control whether or not documents opened from ProjectWise Explorer will be added to the most recently used (MRU) files list at the bottom of the File menu in MicroStation. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0, documents opened from ProjectWise Explorer will not appear on the MRU list.

If uncommented and set to 1 (or if commented out), documents opened from ProjectWise Explorer will appear on the MRU list.

PW_BSILOG_ENABLE This variable is used to turn on logging for integrated MicroStation. This variable is enabled (uncommented and set to 1) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, logging is turned on for integrated MicroStation. If commented out, logging is turned off for integrated MicroStation.

PW_BSILOG_CONFIG_FILE This variable defines the location of the logging configuration file. This variable is enabled by default, and is set to: PW_BSILOG_CONFIG_FILE = $(PWDIR)bin/mcm.log.xml
PW_DISABLE_BINARY_COMPATIBILITY_CHECK This variable determines whether or not a check is performed to see if the version of MicroStation (or MicroStation-based application) being used is binary compatible with ProjectWise Explorer. By default, each time you start MicroStation, the ProjectWise integration module checks to see if the version of MicroStation is binary compatible with ProjectWise Explorer. If MicroStation is binary compatible, then MicroStation opens in integrated mode as usual. If MicroStation is not binary compatible, it could cause MicroStation to crash.

In most cases you should not need to use this variable, since you should only be using supported versions of MicroStation anyway, which are binary compatible by definition. However, if you know your version of MicroStation is not binary compatible but you still want to open it in non-integrated mode (and also avoid any potential crashes), then in such a situation you would enable this variable (uncomment the variable and set the value to 1) in order to disable the binary compatibility check.

If you do disable the binary compatibility check and your version of MicroStation is not binary compatible, then when MicroStation does open (in non-integrated mode) you will receive an error message telling you that the integration module failed to load. If this is your situation, and you want to prevent these types of error messages from displaying, then you should also disable MicroStation integration by adding the variable -wsPW_DISABLE_INTEGRATION=1 in the command line arguments of the "MicroStation" application in Program Associations in ProjectWise Explorer (Tools > Associations > Program > User associations > MicroStation > Open > Program.Name > Command Line Arguments).

PW_REFERENCE_MODE This variable is used to control whether or not ProjectWise checks for updated references, and how those updated references are reloaded into the master document. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default, meaning that by default ProjectWise does not check for updated references.

If uncommented and set to 1, the Select Documents to Reload dialog opens when ProjectWise detects that another user has updated a file that is referenced into the master document you have open. You can then use this dialog to reload the reference.

If uncommented and set to 2, MicroStation automatically reloads any updated references in the master document, silently, without any notification to you.

If uncommented and set to 3 (or commented out), ProjectWise does not check for updated references.

PW_REFERENCE_TIMER This variable is used to control how often ProjectWise checks for updated references, when PW_REFERENCE_MODE is uncommented and set to 1 or 2. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default, which means that if PW_REFERENCE_MODE is set to 1 or 2, then by default ProjectWise will check for updated references every 30 minutes. You only need to enable this variable if you want ProjectWise to check for updated references more or less frequently than every 30 minutes.

To enable, uncomment the variable and set the value to a positive integer of 1 or greater. For example, PW_REFERENCE_TIMER = 15

PW_RESOLVEREFERENCES This variable is used to scan the file you are opening for references that appear to come from ProjectWise, that are unresolved. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, all files that seem to come from ProjectWise will be shown.

If uncommented and set to 2, all files that seem to come from ProjectWise and that the user has access rights to will be shown.

PW_CHECKINOPT This variable is used to control what happens when you close a checked out document. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If commented out, the Check In dialog opens when you close a checked out document.

If uncommented and set to 1, the checked out document is checked in silently (without prompting you through the Check In dialog) after you close it.

If uncommented and set to 0, the checked out document is closed without opening the Check In dialog, and without checking in the document.

PW_DONT_WARN_ON_REFERENCE_MODIFY Use this variable if you do not want to receive a warning when reference files are moved or renamed. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), you will receive warnings when reference files are moved or renamed.

If uncommented and set to 1, you will not receive warnings when reference files are moved or renamed.

PW_TITLEBLOCKS_ENABLE_PROGRESSBAR Use this variable if you want the progress bar to appear to show when title block tags are being updated. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), the progress bar does not appear when title block tags are being updated.

If uncommented and set 1, the progress bar does appear when title block tags are being updated.

PW_CAPTIVEENVIRONMENT This variable controls whether you can only open files from and save files to ProjectWise, or if you can also open files from and save files to the local file system. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), then clicking Cancel on a ProjectWise dialog in integrated MicroStation will open the native MicroStation dialog instead.

If uncommented and set to 1, then clicking Cancel on a ProjectWise dialog in integrated MicroStation will not open the native MicroStation dialog instead.

PW_DONT_RESOLVE_APPLICATION Use this variable if you want the Application field in the Open dialog to always default to All Applications. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), then the first time you select File > Open in integrated MicroStation, the Application field in the Open dialog will be set to MicroStation. If you then select another application from the Application list, the selected application will be remembered and displayed in the Application field the next time you open the dialog.

If uncommented and set to 1, the Application field in the Open dialog will always default to All Applications.

PW_DISABLE_AUTO_FILE_EXTENSION_GENERATION To prevent the wrong file extension from being appended, ProjectWise’s file name locking feature automatically appends the default file extension to the file name when using integrated File > New or File > Save As.

This variable makes it possible for you to enter your own file extension, even when file name locking is enabled.

This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), then the default file extension is automatically appended to the file name, when file name locking is enabled.

If uncommented and set to 1, then the default file extension can be changed.



This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.
PW_LINKSET_TIMER Use this variable to sets how often (in minutes) ProjectWise will check if there is a newer link set file on the server. This variable is enabled (uncommented) by default, and set to check every 5 minutes.

If commented out, ProjectWise does not check for newer link set files.

PW_RASTER_CHECKINOPT This variable is used to control how raster attachments are checked in. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to -1 (or commented out), operations that call for the checking in of raster documents will prompt you to check them in through the Check In dialog.

If uncommented and set to 1, the checked out raster documents will be checked in silently (without prompting you through the Check In dialog).

If uncommented and set to 0, the checked out raster documents will not be checked in, and the Check In dialog will not open.

PW_RASTER_CHECKOUTOPT This variable is used to control how raster attachments are checked out. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to -1 (or commented out), then whenever a raster document gets checked out you will see a check out confirmation dialog.

If uncommented and set to 1, the raster documents will be checked out silently (without displaying a check out confirmation dialog).

If uncommented and set to 0, the raster documents will not be checked out at all.

PW_RASTER_COPYOUT_READWRITE Use this variable when you want copied out raster attachments to be opened with both read and write access. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, copied out rasters will be opened with both read and write access.

If commented out, copied out raster files will be opened with read-only access.

MS_RASTER_PROJECTWISE_WARNING_ONCLOSE_DISABLE Use this variable when you want Raster Manager to display a warning dialog when it believes a raster file has changed. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, Raster Manager displays a warning dialog when it believes a raster file has changed.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), Raster Manager does not display a warning dialog when it believes a raster file has changed.

PW_TITLEBLOCKS_ENABLE_PRESCANNING Use this variable if you want the title block module to check if a reference file has any title blocks in the first place, before attempting to fetch title block attribute values from ProjectWise. This variable is enabled by default.
PW_TITLEBLOCKS_SKIP_TAGS_IN_REFERENCES Use this variable if you do not want title block tags in references ever to be updated. Note that when this variable is enabled, there is no need to enable PW_TITLEBLOCKS_NO_UPDATE_ON_REFRELOAD. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.
PW_TITLEBLOCKS_NO_UPDATE_ON_REFRELOAD Use this variable if you do not want title block tags in references to be updated when the reference is reloaded. Reference reloading can occur through the MCM reference polling mechanism or through Reference Manager. Note that when this variable is enabled, PW_TITLEBLOCKS_SKIP_TAGS_IN_REFERENCES should be disabled. If both PW_TITLEBLOCKS_NO_UPDATE_ON_REFRELOAD and PW_TITLEBLOCKS_SKIP_TAGS_IN_REFERENCES are both enabled, then title block tags in references will never be updated. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.
PW_UPDATE_TITLEBLOCKS_ALWAYS Use this variable if you want title blocks to be updated each time the active model is changed. When this variable is disabled, title blocks are updated only once per model, per session (the first time the model is opened in that session). This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.
PW_TITLEBLOCKS_UPDATE_READONLY Use this variable if you want the title block module to update attributes in files that are opened in read-only mode. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.
PW_REFUPDT_CHK_ONCE Use this variable if you only want references to be checked once per session. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 1, reference attachments will only be verified once in each session.

PW_VERIFY_FOR_DELETED_REFS Use this variable if you want to prevent the loading of deleted reference files. For example, if you delete a reference document in ProjectWise but leave the local copy of it in your working directory, the local copy of the reference will still be loaded by MicroStation the next time you open the master document. When you uncomment this variable and set the value to 1, MicroStation will not load such deleted reference files. This variable is disabled (commented out) by default.

If uncommented and set to 0 (or commented out), MicroStation will load deleted reference files.

If uncommented and set to 1, MicroStation will not load deleted reference files.